Call for articles for RIPEM 2018 thematic issue

Categoria: Notícias
Data de publicação Escrito por Antonio Nascimento

Publicado em: 2018-06-23 02:10:50

The International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education – RIPEM – invites papers for its thematic issue about Mathematics Education in and for the World of Work, to be published in late 2018.

Vocational Education has been gaining prominence in the Brazilian educational system. In December 2018, we celebrate the first decade of the Brazilian Federal Institutes, which were created with the establishment of the Federal Network of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education. According to its National Council (Conif), there are 644 campi spread across the Brazil, with more than one million students enrolled. In addition to providing free vocational education in various forms and levels, the Federal Institutes promote applied research and technological innovation.

In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Brazilian Federal Institutes, the 2018 special issue targets research addressing the role of Mathematics Education in and for the World of Work. We would like our thematic issue to be inclusive, along the lines proposed by the Topic Study Group "Mathematics education in and for work" of the ICME conference. Inclusivity is intended in relation to conceptions of mathematics (academic, situated mathematical reasoning, etc.), education (all levels and modes), and work (formal or informal, lay or professional, paid or unpaid, institutional or not).

We will focus on three themes which, although intimately related, will be considered separately: a) The nature, aspects, scope and depth of mathematics used in or for work; b) the practice of mathematics at work (or alternatively, how do people use mathematics and mathematical thinking in their work?) and c) what mathematics should be taught in order to prepare individuals and communities for work?

We call upon potential contributors from all over the world to submit experiences and studies about these themes. RIPEM is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published by SBEM – Brazilian Society for Mathematics Education. The thematic issue editors are Lauro Chagas e Sá, from Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (BR), and Ana Lucia Braz Dias, from Central Michigan University (US).

Proposed articles should be submitted to the journal page.

Check the submission and review timeline:

  • Manuscript submissions are due September 30, 2018;
  • The result of the review process will be announced to authors by November 15, 2018;
  • The revised papers are due December 15, 2018;
  • The RIPEM 2018 thematic issue will be published in 28 December, 2018, the date of the 10th anniversary of the Brazilian Federal Institutes.


Author guidelines can be consulted here.


Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Matemática 2012. Todos os direitos reservados.