Call for articles for RIPEM 2017 thematic issue

Categoria: Notícias
Data de publicação Escrito por Antonio Nascimento

Publicado em: 2017-02-08 03:49:10

The International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education – RIPEM – invites papers for its thematic issue about Education of teachers for the teaching of mathematics in the 21st century, to be published in late 2017. RIPEM  is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published by SBEM – Brazilian Society for Mathematics Education.

The 2017 special issue is a joint edition of SBEM and SPIEM – Portuguese Society of Research in Mathematics Education that targets research addressing mathematics teacher education for those who teach mathematics at any students’ levels, taking into consideration the characteristics, possibilities and challenges of the 21st century. The thematic issue editors are Ana Paula Canavarro, from Universidade de Évora and Universidade de Lisboa – nominated by SPIEM, and Marcia Cristina de Costa Trindade Cyrino, from Universidade Estadual de Londrina – indicated by SBEM.

See the complete call for articles for RIPEM 2017 thematic issue.

Submission and review timeline:



Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Matemática 2012. Todos os direitos reservados.