A sequence of standardized triangles: Fractal Geometry in the education of Early Years teachers





Sierpinski Triangle, Early Years, Remote Teaching, Fractal Geometry, Solving Problems


This article presents a qualitative research that was applied to six students from a continuing education course in a professional master's degree in Science and Mathematics Teaching aimed at pedagogues, in a class held remotely. The study aimed to investigate how to explore with existing material resources in the home environment to build the Sierpinski Triangle, in order to obtain sequences and patterns from elements of that geometric figure. Due to the participants working in the Early Years of Elementary School, they needed to analyze objectives and skills contained in the Base Nacional Comum Curricular, as well as indicate possibilities of the proposed activity in class to be replicated with their students. The results showed that the individuals performed the constructions and recognized elements of the triangles, in addition to performing calculations of perimeters and areas and recognizing patterns in the obtained sequences.


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How to Cite

LEIVAS, J. C. P.; SOARES, G. DE O. A sequence of standardized triangles: Fractal Geometry in the education of Early Years teachers. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1-17, 19 Jan. 2023.