Combining Computational Thinking with Arithmetic in Basic Education
Computing in Basic Education, Mathematics, Unplugged activitiesAbstract
This article presents a proposal for a didactic sequence involving Computational Thinking associated with Arithmetic content, such as Euclidean division, multiples and divisors. After elaborating the didactic sequence, the case study was carried with 33 students of the 6th year of Elementary School in a public school, totalizing 13 class hours. For data collection, two questionnaires were used, applied before and after the interventions, as well as a logbook prepared by the researchers, including observations and students' speeches during the application of the activities. Data analysis was performed following Bardin's content analysis methodology, through previously defined categories. The results obtained highlight significant improvements in students' performance in solving mathematical problems related to Euclidean division, multiples and divisors of a natural number and in the identification and use of the pillars of Computational Thinking.
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