Pedagogical Practices for teaching Probability and Statistics in the initial years of Elementary School




Mathematics Literacy, Pedagogical Practices, Statistical Education, Mathematics Education, Early Years of Elementary School


This text presents pedagogical practices developed in a 1st year elementary school class, focusing on mathematical literacy within the objects of knowledge, skills and abilities that the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) guides in the thematic unit of Probability and Statistics for this school year. The activities involved knowledge related to collecting and organizing information and personal records, reading data and constructing tables and graphs, notions of chance and probability. Pedagogical activities were planned based on a topic of interest to students: the game of bolitas. It was observed that the students' learning in the construction of knowledge and concepts covered in each activity was efficient and developed in a pleasurable way, making this learning significant not only for them, but also for the constitution of the teacher who is in a continuous process of training within your professional career.

ul, emphasizing mathematical literacy within the knowledge, skills and abilities that the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) guides in the unit theme of Probability and Statistics. The activities were developed in an interdisciplinary way, allowing students to build and assimilate concepts about collecting and organizing information and personal records, reading data and building tables and graphs, simple columns and sectors, the notion of chance and probability, for communicating information. With this practice, children's learning was observed in the construction of knowledge and concepts addressed in each activity, making this learning significant not only for children, but for the formation of teachers who are in a continuous process of training within their professional career.


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How to Cite

Lauer , M. A. ., Broch, S. C., & Marchezan, A. . (2024). Pedagogical Practices for teaching Probability and Statistics in the initial years of Elementary School. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(83), 1-15.



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