Storytelling under the Interdisciplinary Perspective: a possible proposal in mathematical learning




Mathematical Learning, Interdisciplinarity, Storytelling, Financial Education, Elementary Education


This article aims to present a pedagogical sequence that seeks to introduce Financial Education concepts in elementary school from an interdisciplinary perspective. This is an excerpt from the research developed in the Professional Master's Degree in Basic Education Practices (MPPEB) from Colégio Pedro II (CPII) by the main author. The study is based on interdisciplinarity and promotes a dialogue between mathematical learning and storytelling. It is a theoretical article that supports the construction of an educational product, divided into four units and applicable in elementary school. One of these units is presented and discussed here and the mathematical contents covered are developed through Financial Education. It is expected that this proposal, in addition to promoting criticality and the reflexive act in the teaching and learning processes, will be used by other teachers and contribute to the increase of interdisciplinary work in the classrooms in Brazilian’s schools.


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How to Cite

Araki Benjamin, T., & Sertã Costa, C. . (2024). Storytelling under the Interdisciplinary Perspective: a possible proposal in mathematical learning. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(82), 1-13.