Augmented Reality in the Teaching of Geometric Solids for Elementary School: experience report in a public school in Fortaleza-CE-Brazil




Geometry, Didactic Engineering, Geometric solids, Augmented Reality


Augmented Reality combines the real world with virtual objects on the mobile screen in such a way that they appear to emerge from the real world. The objective of this research is to describe an experience in the field of Mathematics, using augmented reality for the learning of geometric solids, targeting students in the final years of Elementary School. Based on a study conducted in a 6th-grade class, an interactive activity was developed and proposed, consisting of a tool created in an application called "Solid AR" for smartphones. The work was carried out in a public school, where the majority of students were considered digital immigrants. The results of the study were satisfactory, demonstrating that the use of the "Solid AR" application and augmented reality interface create a favorable school environment for the teaching and learning process, incorporating digital technology in the instruction of geometric solids.


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How to Cite

Santiago, P. V. da S., & Araújo, F. C. de . (2024). Augmented Reality in the Teaching of Geometric Solids for Elementary School: experience report in a public school in Fortaleza-CE-Brazil. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(82), 1-15.



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