Problem Solving in the early years: possibilities based on the cognitive demands




Cognitive Demands, Problem solving, Mathematics Teaching


This article aims to present results of a research that investigated the levels of cognitive demands of a problem about Decimal Numbers proposed to fifth grade students of Elementary School. The research, of a qualitative type, had as participants 18 students from a municipal school, located in the north of Paraná State. The data were obtained through from the resolution of a problem, whose written production and the audios of the groups, after their transcription, were analyzed. The class was based on the Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Methodology of Mathematics through Problem Solving. Data analysis was based on the cognitive demands of the problem, which were previously listed by the researcher and, after the implementation of the problem, it was verified which levels (whether high or low) were reached by the groups. The results show that most of the cognitive demands of the problem were of a high cognitive level and highlight the role of the teacher so that the groups can establish relationships between new knowledge and what they already know, in the direction of “doing mathematics”.


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How to Cite

Barros, F. A. B., & Justulin, A. M. (2024). Problem Solving in the early years: possibilities based on the cognitive demands . Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(82), 1-16.