An Experience with Mathematical Tasks Addressing Zeno's Paradoxes in High School




Mathematics Education, Mathematical Tasks, High School, Geometric Progression, Zeno's Paradoxes


In this text, we report a teaching practice in High School based on the work with two mathematical tasks involving the theme "paradoxes." We assume that in this context, it is possible to intuitively explore the concept of Geometric Progression and the sum of its infinite terms. We contextualize paradoxes in the scope of Mathematics, more specifically Zeno's Paradoxes, and a way to incorporate them into the proposed tasks. Then we report the experience of applying the task to 1st and 2nd-year High School students, concluding that this dynamic involving paradoxes and Geometric Progressions fostered interest, generating debates and reflections with depth, leaving indications on how this study can contribute to Mathematics Education.

Keywords: Mathematics Education. Mathematical Tasks. High School. Geometric Progression. Zenon's Paradoxes.


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How to Cite

Pontarolo, M. C. ., Theodorovski, R., Trevisan, A. L., & Franco, S. R. . (2024). An Experience with Mathematical Tasks Addressing Zeno’s Paradoxes in High School. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(83), 1-13.



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