Mathematical Foundations: Paths from identification of knowledge




Analysis of Written Production, Basic Mathematics, Extension Project


This work is part of the development and results obtained in a research and extension project conducted at the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, which aimed to provide participants with situations that favored the learning of basic mathematics. The actions were guided by the evidence of knowledge of the participants, identified in the analysis of their written productions, during the meetings, which served for the assessment of learning and for the redirection of actions, aiming at the learning of the participants. The results pointed to a “mechanism” in relation to the knowledge revealed in the written productions. In conclusion, we point out that the Analysis of Written Production can play a fundamental role in the design of basic mathematics subjects in extension projects and the importance of directing the contents from what is presented by the participants.


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How to Cite

Zanelatto, H., Ciani, A. B., & Lovatto, G. G. (2024). Mathematical Foundations: Paths from identification of knowledge. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(82), 1-12.



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