The Problem-Solving Situations Contextualized in the Game Advancing with the Remainder




Jogos para o Ensino de Matemática. , Divisão de Números Naturais. , Educação Matemática.


The purpose of this report is to present a way to use the game Advancing with the Remainder as a pedagogical resource for teaching mathematics, based on problem-solving. Suggestions and proposals for using the game to teach mathematics were illustrated with data obtained from a workshop conducted with students in a Mathematics course at a public university in Paraná, Brazil, who participated in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships. The data were obtained from the written records of the students' responses to problem-solving situations contextualized in the game. Some of the potential of the Advancing with the Remainder game in a problem-based approach include: contextualization of mathematical concepts in the situations and characteristics of the game, and the possibility of addressing multiple interrelated mathematical concepts.


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Author Biographies

Valdete dos Santos Coqueiro, Universidade Estadual do Paraná - Campus de Campo Mourão

Campo Mourão/PR

Wellington Hermann, Universidade Estadual do Paraná - Unespar - campus de Campo Mourão

Campo Mourão/ PR.


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How to Cite

Coqueiro, V. dos S. ., & Hermann, W. (2023). The Problem-Solving Situations Contextualized in the Game Advancing with the Remainder. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(78), 175-185.



Recursos Didáticos para a aula de Matemática