Implications of the historical-cultural perspective for the educational process of mathematics




Historical-Cultural Perspective, Mathematics Education, Educational Process, Teacher Training


The present article aims to highlight the implications of the Historical-Cultural approach for the educational process of mathematics. The Historical-Cultural theory is a concept developed by Lev Vygotsky, which postulates a social universe of learning, in which the individual effectively develops their learning process through social approximations of the object of knowledge with their daily life. To achieve this, intersections were made with the educational process of the mathematics discipline, which exhibits one of the highest rates of student rejection and difficulty. When planning their instruction, educators should organize the content in a way that enables students to grasp the meaning of the material. Thus, it is concluded that such a perspective leads to positive implications for mathematics learning, such as understanding the influence of historical and cultural context on the teaching process and the formation of scientific concepts among students.


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Author Biographies

Ana Flávia Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Uberlância/UFU

Doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (PPGED/UFU).

Emily de Vasconcelos Santos, Universidade Federal de Uberlância/UFU

Doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (PPGED/UFU).

Marcos Allan da Silva Linhares, Universidade Federal de Uberlância/UFU

Mestre em Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas (PPGECM/UFPA). Doutorando em Educação (PPGED/UFU). Bolsista CAPES. Membro do Conselho Deliberativo da Associação Brasileira de Ensino de Biologia (SBENBIO) - Regional 6.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. F. F. da, Santos, E. de V. ., & Linhares, M. A. da S. . (2023). Implications of the historical-cultural perspective for the educational process of mathematics. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(80), 1-14.