Mathematics textbook: perspectives from High School teachers reports




Mathematical education. , High School. , Textbooks.


In this article, we aimed to understand in which way mathematics high school teachers use textbooks in their teaching practice, as well as their perspectives on this resource. We sought to comprehend the teacher’s relationship with it, highlighting positive aspects and listing difficulties faced during the use of courseware. We also researched if the teachers made adaptations or used the materials exactly as they were proposed by the authors and publishers. To this end, four High School mathematics teachers who used textbooks approved by the National Textbook Program (Programa Nacional do Livro e do Material Didático – PNLD) in 2020 were interviewed. The data obtained were categorized through Discursive Textual Analysis. Four categories were built: LDM as a support tool, dependence on LDM, evaluation of LDM and modifications made by teachers in LDM. It is believed that the results that indicate its use as an important support for the teaching-learning process, sometimes a certain dependence on the LDM and the need for more radical changes in the content of the LDM, can contribute to those who dedicate themselves to the writing of teaching materials and to researchers interested in the topic.


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How to Cite

Augusto Bannack Diniz, M., & Rolkouski, E. . (2023). Mathematics textbook: perspectives from High School teachers reports. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(78), 60-71.