Use of an interactive e-book in the Mathematics class of a Technician Course in Electrical Electronics Integrated with high school


  • Davi Cézar da Silva Instituto Federal Catarinense
  • Jacqueline Gabriela Cantú Centro Universitário Assis Gurgacz (FAG)
  • Heloisa Cristina da Silva
  • Clodis Boscarioli Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE)



Interactive e-book. , Teaching of Mathematics. , High school. , Digital Technologies in Teaching.


The use of digital technologies for teaching is necessary in a society that consumes them daily. This article proposes the use of an interactive e-book developed as a proposal for integration between the disciplines of mathematics, physics, and electrical measurements for technical courses in electrical electronics integrated in the high school of a Federal Institute. It is a qualitative study using numerical data to analyze the perceptions of the students and of the mathematics teacher in the use of the material. Was found that the use of interactive e-books by the students is not common and that the available resources contribute to the understanding of the contents and stimulation of the approaches. In future studies, it is suggested the use of the e-book in other classes to obtain more data, as well as the creation of a similar learning object for other curricular content.


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How to Cite

da Silva, D. C., Cantú , J. G., da Silva, H. C. ., & Boscarioli, C. (2023). Use of an interactive e-book in the Mathematics class of a Technician Course in Electrical Electronics Integrated with high school. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(78), 33-44.