Pure Mathematics and Mixed Mathematics: the plot about what is said and what is implied in Instituzioni Analitiche — Agnesi's possible motivations





History of Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Mixed Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Maria Gaetana Agnesi


This article presents an analysis of Maria Gaetana Agnesi's work Instituzioni Analitiche ad uso della giuventù italiana (1748), with a focus on the letter to the reader and correspondences. The aim is to understand the motivations of the scholar in writing about pure mathematics in a context dominated by mixed mathematics studies. Methodologically, it considers the articulation of epistemological, historiographical, and contextual analysis, associated with original documents organized in a network to provide context. Instituzioni Analitiche encompasses knowledge related to the introduction of Calculus and Analysis in Milan, within a complex scenario marked by religious, political, and social issues. The study reveals the multifaceted nature of eighteenth-century mathematics, as manifested in Agnesi's preference and the process leading to the specialization of mathematics as we conceive it today.


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How to Cite

MOURA, R. A. DE. Pure Mathematics and Mixed Mathematics: the plot about what is said and what is implied in Instituzioni Analitiche — Agnesi’s possible motivations. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-13, 31 Mar. 2024.