A model for evaluating proof arguments in teaching contexts based on collective argumentation





Mathematics Education, Proof Argument, Empirical Proof, Conceptual Proof


This study presents a theoretical-methodological model to evaluate the quality of a proof argument in a teaching context based on collective argument. The model combines the elements of an argumentative structure with a theory involving the types and levels of proof in Mathematics Education. The test was conducted with a class of first-year students in a course of Mathematics teacher training at the Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas, in 2023. Data was collected through written and video records of groups' collective production. The results show that the model presented allowed for an efficient quality evaluation of the proof argument. Therefore, it is a tool to analyze future research data. Furthermore, it is a useful instrument for Mathematics teachers to evaluate their students' proof level in the classroom.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, F. C.; MONTEIRO, M. A. A. A model for evaluating proof arguments in teaching contexts based on collective argumentation. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-20, 30 Apr. 2024.