Purposes of questions promoted by teachers in Mathematics classes





Communication, Questions, Purposes, Learning Environments, Mathematics


This article presents a study that aimed to identify and characterize the purposes of teachers' questions in mathematics classes. It is a qualitative study in which data was collected through observations. The participants in the research were two elementary school mathematics teachers with different profiles in terms of the pedagogical practices they adopted. The analysis of the data indicates the following purposes of the questions in relation to the students: to verify and evaluate their knowledge; to stimulate their reflection and thinking; to collect information on mathematical concepts and calculations; to obtain information to ensure the smooth running of the lesson or to make requests; to direct their attention to certain aspects of the subject and help them arrive at the answers; to get them to adhere to the ideas presented and to exercise disciplinary control. Based on the purposes of the questions in the study, we infer that they can be associated with different learning environments.


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How to Cite

SILVA, T. DE J. DA .; BARBOSA, J. C. Purposes of questions promoted by teachers in Mathematics classes. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-19, 1 Jan. 2024.