Multimodality and the expression of mathematical ideas through videos by Mathematics undergraduates
Video Production, Semantic Expansion, Analytical Geometry, Distance EducationAbstract
The research reported in this article sought to understand how Mathematics undergraduates in Distance Education combine semiotic resources when using videos to express mathematical ideas. Adopting the qualitative methodology, the research was developed with students of the Analytical Geometry discipline and the participant observation in forums of the virtual learning environment was used in the monitoring of the video productions by the participants. Functional Systemic — Multimodal Discourse Analysis supported the analysis of the strategies used in the combinations of semiotic resources in the produced videos. In this article, the analysis of one of the videos produced in the research is discussed. As a result, it was found that the multimodal nature of the video encourages the use of contextualization in the construction of digital mathematical discourse. However, the concepts are formalized from a recontextualization referring to the classroom, which shows the influence of the experience in this environment in the construction of the mathematical discourse shared in the online environment in the context of this research.
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