Paraná Test: the resolution of problem situations of multiplicative structures




Multiplicative Conceptual Field, Paraná Test, Elementary School


The present study aims to show the results of an qualitative investigation to from the logic and procedures organized by students of the 5th year of the elementary level of education education of a public school in União da Vitória — PR when solving problem situations of multiplicative structures, using as a reference the Theory of Conceptual Fields of Gerard Vergnaud. Information and records were collected from three assessment diagnosis instruments — Paraná Test. Among some aspects, it was noticed that there is a strong dependence on the field of additive structures in relation to the resolution strategies presented by the students in problem situations, highlighting the need to deepen the ruptures and continuities between addition and multiplication, according to what is proposed by the learning aspects of the mathematics education.


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How to Cite

OLEKSZYSZEN, A. C.; NOGUEIRA, C. M. I. Paraná Test: the resolution of problem situations of multiplicative structures. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1-15, 28 Mar. 2023.