Knowledge and beliefs manifested by teachers who teach Mathematics and make use of manipulative materials in their practices




Beliefs, Mathematics Teacher Training, Lesson Study


The present text aims to highlight the knowledge and beliefs manifested by teachers who teach mathematics in the Interdisciplinary Cycle by making use of manipulable resources, in their interactions with documents and curriculum materials from the Municipal Network of São Paulo. To analyze the knowledge of teachers to teach Mathematics, we use a qualitative approach and data triangulation strategy typology and we rely on theories that discuss the knowledge of teachers who teach Mathematics, such as Ball, Tames & Phelps (2008). The results show that, in the training actions, some teachers' beliefs regarding the use of manipulative materials in the classroom were revealed. During the training, many of these beliefs were problematized and the reflection stage provided their resignification. However, beliefs are not easily overcome and therefore still need to be the object of reflection in teacher training courses that teach Mathematics.


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How to Cite

MARTINS, P. B.; CURI, E. Knowledge and beliefs manifested by teachers who teach Mathematics and make use of manipulative materials in their practices. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 4, p. 1-16, 20 Nov. 2022.