Levels of geometric thinking: in search of a relationship between different theoretical models





Geometric Thinking, Level Models, Relationship, Epistemological Bases


Carrying out the characterization of geometric thinking is not a simple task, since there is no consensus in the literature about the attributes that make up this way of thinking. This can be seen from the existence of different theoretical models. Such models were elaborated considering all the complexity of the educational reality in which they were inserted. Even under these conditions, some of these theoretical models may have implications, especially with regard to their epistemological bases. Therefore, in this essay, we understand the relationships established between different models of development levels of geometric thinking. This debate is necessary for teachers who teach Mathematics to have a more peaceful and coherent choice of the model that is closest to their school reality.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA DA COSTA, A. . Levels of geometric thinking: in search of a relationship between different theoretical models. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 4, p. 1-19, 7 Oct. 2022.