Mathematics and Art: insubordinate movements in a Countryside Teachers’ Education classroom




Mathematics, Art, Countryside Education, Teachers' Education, Exercises of Thought


To what and how do we become sensitive in an education space that brings together mathematics, art and countryside education? What do forces and desires move us to think on countryside education governed by mathematics and art? These problem-questions guide and set the problematizing tone of this insubordinately creative writing. They operated as triggers in a workshop that brought together mathematics, art images, students and a teacher-researcher in a 7th phase class of teachers’ education degree program in countryside education. Our aim is to shake up ideas and to make people think, not with the intention of understanding and conforming to what we problematize, but rather to propose insubordinate movements that go against the status quo and canned ideas. Movements, which create conditions for the emergence of other ways to approach Mathematics Education, make a different way of experiencing, living and feeling.


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How to Cite

WAGNER, D. R. Mathematics and Art: insubordinate movements in a Countryside Teachers’ Education classroom. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 9, n. 3, p. 142-157, 1 Sep. 2019.