Mathematical Modelling Activity about Buying Toys with 1st Year Elementary School Students




Elementary School, Semiotic resources, Monetary system, Rounding, Data processing


This report aims to highlight the semiotic resources that students in the 1st year of Elementary School chose to develop a mathematical modelling activity. Mathematical Modelling is approached as a pedagogical alternative for teaching mathematics that allows the use of different signs to encompass mathematical objects. The means chosen and used in the production of signs are called semiotic resources. The availability of semiotic resources by the teacher to develop the activity with the theme of buying toys, allowed 25 students from a municipal school in Paraná to produce written, spoken and gestured signs that supported the construction of mathematical models for organizing banknotes. fictitious money to solve the modelling problem. Semiotic resources allowed students to articulate signs associated with the phenomenon under study and the mathematical objects that emerged from it, implying a solution to the problem via mathematical language.


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Author Biography

Gislaine Ferreira Gomes, Federal Technological University of Paraná

She has a degree in Economic Sciences - UNESPAR - Campus Apucarana (2005), a degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Apucarana (2009) and a degree in Pedagogy from the State University of Ponta Grossa (2019). Teacher - Department of Education of the State of Paraná. and Arapongas City Hall. He has experience in the area of Mathematics, with an emphasis on Mathematics and the initial grades of Elementary School I. He is currently in the first year of the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Teaching (Professional Master's Degree - PPGMAT).


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How to Cite

Gomes, G. F. ., & Pessoa da Silva, K. A. (2024). Mathematical Modelling Activity about Buying Toys with 1st Year Elementary School Students. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(83), 1-15.



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