Arithmetic Progression and Problem Solving: an experience in the Mathematics Supervised Internship




Mathematics Education, Supervised Internship, Problem Solving, Arithmetic progression


This article aims to report an experience linked to the development of a mathematics workshop – within the scope of Mathematics Supervised internship – aimed at first-year high school students from a public school in Londrina, Paraná state, in Brazil. The workshop featured problems which were proposed in order to foster the learning of Arithmetic Progression from the perspective of mathematics teaching through Problem Solving. It is possible to state that the experience described in this paper provided all participants with learning opportunities, and we hope it could contribute to the work developed by mathematics teachers and future teachers regarding the theme that was presented.


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How to Cite

Lonardoni, B. S. ., & Santos, E. (2024). Arithmetic Progression and Problem Solving: an experience in the Mathematics Supervised Internship . Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(83), 1-10.



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