Aspects of algebraic development in the selection and resolution of algebra questions: an experience report




Algebra, Mathematics Education, Basic Education, Errors


The aim of this report is to present the experience of selecting and applying algebra questions and to reflect on the students' answers when solving these questions, making a connection between theory and practice in order to understand how aspects of algebraic development, such as the transition from natural language to algebraic language, the observations and generalization of patterns, and the different meanings of letters, can interfere with the possible errors made by the students. To this end, we selected, applied and analyzed a mathematics activity carried out in two 7th grade classes at a school in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. This experience allowed us to observe that the errors are related to the nature and meaning of the symbols and letters; the objective of the activity and the nature of the answers in algebra and the students' understanding of arithmetic.


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How to Cite

Francisca Pires da Rocha, A. P., Helena Assis, Érika, Thaís Santana Miranda, N., & Silveira Alves de Paula, P. . (2024). Aspects of algebraic development in the selection and resolution of algebra questions: an experience report. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 29(83), 1-15.



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