The Training of Teachers Who Teach Mathematics: Experience of Regional Acre




Initial Formation, Professional Knowledge, Pedagogical Practice, Regional Acre, Mathematics Education


The main motivation for the (re)installation of the SBEM Regional in Acre in 2021 was to carry out a project aimed at expanding and strengthening mathematics education. The project seeks to bring together a community and disseminate academic production in a continuous dialogue. The possible contributions of the forum by the SBEM regional for the training of teachers who teach mathematics were a key focus. The possible contributions of the Forum by the SBEM regional for the training of teachers who teach mathematics were a key focus. The methodological approach consisted of a narrative of experiences from 2021 to 2023, with emphasis on the action of the 1st Acre Forum on the initial training of teachers who teach mathematics in 2022. The results indicated that the Forum contributed to teachers and future teachers in the discussion groups expressing their knowledge, conceptions, and practices in the Acre context. In conclusion, the regional aims to expand the mobilization so that the voices and practices of the teachers echo and deepen the process of initial formation of teachers who teach mathematics.


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How to Cite

Melo, G. F. A. de, Silva, M. R. da C. ., & Santos, P. J. P. dos . (2023). The Training of Teachers Who Teach Mathematics: Experience of Regional Acre. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(81), 1-8.



Número temático: As Regionais da SBEM: ações e diálogos desenvolvidos