Interventional Action of the SBEM-MT’s Formation Project: reflections on the development of a Geometry’s didactic sequence




Didactic Intervention, Geometry, Mathematics, Mathematic Education


This experience report aims to present reflection on the development of a Geometry’s didactic sequence with the Middle School 5th grade students. The proposed pedagogic intervention occurred after an action named “The Geometry during Early Childhood Education and Middle School’s Early Years”, developed on the Formation Project proposed by SBEM Nacional. Methodologically, we based it on a qualitative approach, to which data´s production we used videos of the recorded classes, oral and written reports, that were produced during the formation process. We noticed, after the teachers’ reports, the importance of the didactic sequence developed using the Tangram, considering that the students, despite some difficulties, were able to learn, with the interventions, the conceptual dimension regarding the polygons’ acknowledgment, naming and classification. Furthermore, the developed work sparked the students’ interest, turning them into the protagonists of their own learning.

Keywords: Didactic Intervention. Geometry. Mathematics. Mathematic Education.


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How to Cite

Moreno, H. M. C. ., Nates dos Santos Galvão , F., Augusta Cruz Pinto , V., & Benedita Oliveira de Almeida , P. (2023). Interventional Action of the SBEM-MT’s Formation Project: reflections on the development of a Geometry’s didactic sequence. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(81), 1-15.



Número temático: As Regionais da SBEM: ações e diálogos desenvolvidos