Reflections on the Initial Training of Teachers who teach Mathematics from the I FPMAT-MT experience




Pedagogy, Undergraduation Degree in Mathematics, Syllabus, Teachers` Training


The objective of this article is to reflect on the dialogues held within two Discussion Groups (DG), named articulators, in the I Forum on the Initial Training of Teachers who teach / of Mathematics in Mato Grosso (I FPMAT-MT) organized by the SBEM - Mato Grosso Regional Office. The data were obtained through the oral records (RO) and written reports (RE) produced by the forum organizing committee. The dialogues evidenced how little space is dedicated to the mathematical content, its foundations and methodologies in the curricula of the Pedagogy courses; in addition, they unveiled the near absence of space dedicated to didactic-pedagogical training and to the articulation between theory and practice in the curricular components of the Mathematics undergraduate courses. The conclusion drawn indicates that it is crucial to restructure the curricula of the courses based on their needs in order to overcome the weaknesses and bring new perspectives to the training of teachers who teach / of Mathematics.


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How to Cite

Pessoa Bitencourt, L., Moura, L. K. J. de ., Gomes, J. B. ., & Zuchetti, J. H. V. . (2023). Reflections on the Initial Training of Teachers who teach Mathematics from the I FPMAT-MT experience. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(81), 1-16.



Número temático: As Regionais da SBEM: ações e diálogos desenvolvidos