A study on the potentialities of using GeoGebra Discovery in the context of Plane Geometry





Mathematics Education and Technologies, GeoGebra Discovery, Plane Geometry


This text aims to present preliminary results of a master's research in development, and addresses the results observed in the minicourse taught during the XV Encontro Paulista de Educação Matemática (EPEM), in 2023, about the potentialities of using GeoGebra Discovery in the study of Plane Geometry. As a theoretical framework, Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation was used, a five-step model that schematizes the process of adoption or rejection of an innovation. For this study, the Design Research methodology was adopted. Also, in this paper, two activities developed with the participants of the minicourse are exposed and, based on Rogers' theory, it was observed that they had a positive attitude, that is, acceptance of the digital tool under issue, and that they identified potential use and adoption of innovation – GeoGebra Discovery – in the teaching of Plane Geometry.


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How to Cite

Mendes Inácio de Souza, D., & Abar, C. A. A. P. . (2023). A study on the potentialities of using GeoGebra Discovery in the context of Plane Geometry. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(80), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.37001/emr.v28i80.3456