Survey of productions about the use of Gamification in the teaching and learning processes of Mathematics: one for the training of teachers who teach Mathematics




Active Methodologies, Gamification, Mathematics Teacher Development, Mathematics Education


This paper aims to present a survey and analysis of productions about the use of Gamification in the teaching and learning processes of Mathematics and its potential in education, more specifically those that are aimed at the undergraduate and inservice development education of teachers who will or who teach Math. In this sense, we present a discussion about Active Methodologies and Gamification, as well as their use in educational scenario, highlighting the main characteristics of this methodology in the teaching and learning process of Mathematics. The survey was carried out at the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) considering the keywords “Gamification” AND “Mathematics” and “Gamification AND Mathematics”, in order to direct the search for references favorable to our proposed study. We identified 44 studies carried out in the period from 2013 to 2021, of which we analyzed the contributions that five studies found that deal with Gamification from the perspective teachers development at undergraduate and inservice levels. The authors' workplace of production, the objectives, the theoretical references, the research subjects, the methodological perspectives and the game elements used were analyzed. After reading the surveys, we grouped the main information into tables, which allowed us to create frameworks that supported the interpretation of results. We conclude that, the survey presented here allows a series of discussions and reflections, one of them being the need for more studies that focus on the use of Gamification in the undergraduate and inservice development education of teachers who will teach and who Mathematics.


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How to Cite

Martins, A. C., & Tinti, D. da S. (2022). Survey of productions about the use of Gamification in the teaching and learning processes of Mathematics: one for the training of teachers who teach Mathematics. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 27(77), 84-105.