Mathematics Curriculums for the Early Years of Five Brazilian Regions Organized on the Common National Curriculum Base




Curriculum, Early Years of Elementary School, Common National Curriculum Base, Brazilian Regions


This article proposes to present the studies of researchers from GT01 of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education-SBEM, who develop investigations on teaching and learning of Mathematics in the early years on a research that deals with prescribed curricular produced by five Education Cities Departments - Dourados, Maceió, Manaus, São Paulo and Pelotas, with BNCC as the reference, highlighting similarities and diferences between these documents. We’ve used a qualitative approach with document analysis. We’ve highlighted some results and reflections: (i) a consultation with the educational community was carried out; (ii) the work that was being developed in previous years was considered; (iii) it was noticed the absence of references related to the teaching of Mathematics in most of the documents; (iv) problem solving predominated; (v) there was no mention of the previous or subsequent stage of schooling and (vi) it is necessary, on the part of the teachers, to know about the principles that guided the construction of the documents.


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How to Cite

Curi, E. ., Bernardo Martins, P. ., de Souza Borelli, S., Alencar, E. S. de, Alves, A. M. M., Tarouquela Medeiros, L. ., & Utimura, G. Z. (2022). Mathematics Curriculums for the Early Years of Five Brazilian Regions Organized on the Common National Curriculum Base. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 27(77), 21-42.