Function learning from the Theory of Registers of Semiotic Representation perspective: a systematic literature review




Semiotic Representations, Mathematics functions, Mathematics Education, Systematic Review of Literature


This study aimed to present research that contemplates aspects of the theory of semiotic representation registers in activities about functions. Through a systematic literature review, we seek to present reflections on representations of functions in texts based on this principle. Eighteen articles were analyzed in three languages, and found in 6 databases: ERIC, Periódico CAPES, Research Gate, HAL, Google Scholar, and Scielo. The reading provoked reflections trying to solve the concern about the theme in focus: what aspects of the theory of semiotic representation registers do recent works bring in contexts about functions? Such works pointed out important contributions regarding the difficulties presented by the subjects in cognitive transformations of different registers of semiotic representation. However, it was observed in the studies the lack of a relationship between the mobilized cognitive transformations and the subjects' actions while carrying out the proposed activities.


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How to Cite

Muniz, M., Gitirana, V. ., & Lucena, R. . (2022). Function learning from the Theory of Registers of Semiotic Representation perspective: a systematic literature review. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 27(77), 58-69.