Teaching Linear Systems: a Methodological Proposal Using Problem Exploration, Posing and Solving





School Algebra, Multiple Representations of Algebra, Problem Exploration-Posing-Solving, Teaching mathematics


This article aimed to discuss the implications of the use of Problem Solving, Posing and Exploration in the teaching and learning of Linear Systems. For this, we present a methodological proposal with four activities that seek to contemplate the essential ideas of Linear Systems, using Problem Solving as a teaching methodology, allied to the Multiple Representations of Algebra. This proposal was used in the first author's Master's research, carried out in a Mathematics Degree class. The research points out that, initially, the problems, the licensors, then the content of an insurance, the methods throughout the systems, having been difficulties in the front of exploration resolution in solving the problem, among others. Thus, it is concluded that the activities are taught about teaching, teaching how the importance of promoting teaching Systems among teaching practices and teaching them as allies to such, intensified for a new attitude towards Linear Systems.


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How to Cite

Martins, F. da C., & de Andrade, S. (2022). Teaching Linear Systems: a Methodological Proposal Using Problem Exploration, Posing and Solving. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 27(77), 166-179. https://doi.org/10.37001/emr.v27i77.3034