Measurement of Length in the Curriculum: Analysing the Introduction of this Content in the Initial Years of Elementary School




Mathematics education, Curriculum Development, Emai, Measurements, Length


This article aimed to analyze the indications in the curriculum for the introduction of the measurement of length in the Initial Years based on Clements and Stephan. Of a bibliographic/documentary nature, the research sought to relate this insertion proposed in São Paulo documents - Curriculum and Emai support resource – to the guidelines of the federal curriculum documents and to seek elements that could contribute to the cognitive construction of the measurement concept. The guidelines contained in the document revealed concern with the social function of the impact of the use of measurements on daily life and with the procedures used to measure. However, they do not expand the discussion about the complexity of the cognitive construction of this knowledge in the physical act of measuring or its quantification.


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How to Cite

Martins Marciliano, A. M., & Garcia Silva, A. da F. (2022). Measurement of Length in the Curriculum: Analysing the Introduction of this Content in the Initial Years of Elementary School. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 27(77), 43-57.