Dialogue between Math Teachers in Training and Experienced Math Teachers





Graduation, Teacher Training, Dialogue, Math Education


This article reports the experience of a first-period class of a Mathematics Degree Course, in the city of Petrópolis/RJ, in which undergraduates (mathematics teachers in training) were able to dialogue with three more experienced mathematics teachers about their histories professionals in Basic Education. Some reflections were sought about the very act of dialoguing as a communicative action that creates more interactive learning scenarios. To analyze the activity, three of the teachers in training were invited to develop a critical review of the meetings with experienced teachers, thus highlighting the possibility of reflections on the practice since the beginning of teacher education, highlighting the love of the profession, others ways of introducing mathematics to students, the teacher-student relationship and the importance of the internship.


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How to Cite

Melo, T. B. de, Lopes Silva, L., Erthal Trindade Zambonelli, L., & Henter de Melo Dias, T. (2022). Dialogue between Math Teachers in Training and Experienced Math Teachers. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 27(77), 217-226. https://doi.org/10.37001/emr.v27i77.2832



Relatos de Experiência