Teacher Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic: experience reports on the Supervised Internship


  • Leticia Renata de França Moraes Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Fabio Alves Menecucci




Mathematical Education. , Remote Teaching. , Face-to-face teaching. , Internship Experiences. , Teacher Training.


Through the present work, the objective is to propose reflections on teacher education, through reports and comparisons of experiences lived in the Supervised Internship of a student in the Mathematics Degree course, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes the importance of thinking about the formation of teachers, understanding them as co-responsible for the formation of citizens and different professionals, considering the complexity of the educational context. The observations of the Supervised Internship took place at two different times, but in the same school unit, one of which was carried out in person with elementary school students and the other, remotely with high school students. These moments are characterized as a process of form/action and transition from student to teacher, being experiences that maintain particularities distinct from the theoretical study, as they interact and suffer influences from different realities, which involve challenges and changes in perceptions.


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How to Cite

Moraes, L. R. de F. ., & Menecucci, F. A. (2023). Teacher Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic: experience reports on the Supervised Internship. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(78), 165-174. https://doi.org/10.37001/emr.v28i78.2719



Relatos de Experiência