What the works of the 1st Ceará Meeting of Mathematics Education reveal about research trends within the scope of SBEM-CE?





SBEM-CE, Mathematics Education, Ceará, Research, Tendencies


The history of the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education – Ceará Regional (SBEM-CE, in Portuguese) is linked to the academic field and to the holding of scientific events, since its genesis in 2002. Investigating such events is, in effect, scrutinizing the transformations of research interests in Mathematics Education in that state. This work aims, therefore, to discuss the investigative trends expressed in the works presented at the I Ceará Meeting of Mathematics Education (I ECeEM, in Portuguese), which took place in 2021. To do so, we carry out a brief historical incursion into the tradition of SBEM-CE events in Ceará and a more detailed analysis of the 86 papers presented at this specific state meeting. As a result, we observed the preponderance of research trends such as teacher training, Mathematics teaching in the stages of Basic Education, the History of Mathematics and Digital Technologies. We believe that this adhesion is linked to research groups in Mathematics Education from Ceará, which consolidate their investigative lines.


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How to Cite

Melo, C. I. B. de, & Sousa, A. C. G. de. (2023). What the works of the 1st Ceará Meeting of Mathematics Education reveal about research trends within the scope of SBEM-CE?. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(81), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.37001/emr.v28i81.3477



Número temático: As Regionais da SBEM: ações e diálogos desenvolvidos