Prospective teachers' statistical thinking in technology enhanced inquiry in the context of an integrated approach


Palabras clave:

Statistical Thinking, Pre-Service Teacher Education, Information and Communication Technologies, Integrated Curriculum Approach, Learning Scenarios


The research reported in the present article aims to evaluate the teacher education learning scenarios implemented in two curricular units of the basic education course, discussing, in particular, the role of the integrated curriculum approach and of the used technologies, in the development of statistical thinking of prospective teachers. The study used a methodology within the interpretative paradigm. In order to evaluate the learning scenarios, it was used participant observation, documents' collection and a questionnaire with open-ended items whose responses were subjected to content analysis, and the frequencies of the emergent categories were determined. The results support the validation of the implemented scenarios. The students developed the reasoning about data representation and associations. The meaning of mean was a critical aspect that would deserve further research.


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Cómo citar

RODRIGUES, M.; CASEIRO, A.; SILVA, M. J. Prospective teachers’ statistical thinking in technology enhanced inquiry in the context of an integrated approach. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa en Educación Matemática, v. 7, n. 2, p. 45-70, 20 dic. 2017.


