The "practice" of mathematical modeling under a Wittgensteinian perspective


Palabras clave:

Mathematical Modeling, Language, Wittgenstein


The objective of this article is looking at the students' pratice in mathematical modeling activities under a Wittgensteinian perspective. Starting from the analysis of a modeling activity in two distinct contexts, we present some reflections on specific meanings that may be constituted within the different contexts. What one intends to highlight with this text is the fact that modeling activities are not intended to provide meaning in the classroom to objects or concepts that are in the students' life outside the classroom. Rather than that, it aims to indicate that different meanings are associated to different language-games, which may arise from modeling activities.


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Cómo citar

ALMEIDA, L. M. W. DE. The "practice" of mathematical modeling under a Wittgensteinian perspective. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa en Educación Matemática, v. 4, n. 2, p. 98-113, 1 may 2014.


