Errors in the construction of box plots by prospective Chilean Primary School teachers




Statistical Graphics, Teacher Training, Primary Education


The objective of this research is to evaluate the ability of future Chilean teachers of Primary Education, with a major in Mathematics at a university in central Chile, to construct the box plot. A qualitative approach was adopted, supported by the interpretative paradigm, using the content analysis method. The research was carried out with 18 students, to whom an instrument previously validated through expert judgment was administered. The results reveal that the participants face difficulties in constructing the graph, mainly by omitting descriptive elements (general title and labels on the graph axes) and incorrectly calculating quartiles. These future teachers may not be able to meet the training standards for mathematics teachers in Chile, which would have a negative impact on students' learning of this representation.


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How to Cite

GUTIÉRREZ-MARTÍNEZ, R.; SALCEDO, A.; DÍAZ-LEVICOY, D. Errors in the construction of box plots by prospective Chilean Primary School teachers. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 14, n. 3, p. 1-15, 2 Aug. 2024.


