The formalization of the concept of Functions Defined by More than One Sentence in Mathematics textbooks




Textbooks, Problem Situations, Functions


The general objective of this work is to analyze how the Mathematics textbooks, made available by the National Textbook Program (PNLD) 2021 — Object 2, approach the formalization of the concept of Functions Defined by More than One Sentence. Thus, an exploratory research with a qualitative approach was carried out. The theoretical notes are based on theorists and researchers who deal with the researched themes. The study revealed that textbooks present these functions in a contextualized way, exploring problem situations that enable students to recognize regularities in real phenomena and generalize observed laws or patterns. The examples used include topics such as income tax, production cost and body temperature variation, demonstrating the practical application of these functions. It was also identified that the formalization of the concept of these functions is done intuitively, without explicit mathematical rigor.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M. S. DE; SILVA, F. S. The formalization of the concept of Functions Defined by More than One Sentence in Mathematics textbooks. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 13, n. 2, p. 1-18, 30 Aug. 2023.