Are Mathematics teachers prepared to teach Statistics and Probability?




Teaching, Statistics, Probability


There is an increasing acknowledgment about the importance of Statistical Literacy in our daily lives. In Elementary and High School, the Mathematics teacher is responsible for teaching Statistics. In order to achieve learning successfully, an adequate infrastructure in schools is essential and also teachers who are prepared to teach this subject. The aim of the present paper was to evaluate how Mathematics teachers consider their qualification to teach Statistics and Probability. 657 teachers from all Brazilian states were interviewed. The results show that, comparing to other Mathematics areas, Statistics and Probability were the ones with higher self-evaluated difficulty and that a third of these teachers believe the time alloted to the contents of these units was insufficient during their formation. Actions as continuing education courses may help Mathematics teachers expand and deepen their Statistics and Probability knowledge, as well as develop skills and specific didactic strategies.


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How to Cite

FREI, F.; ROSA, J. S.; BIAZI, ÂNGELO H. Are Mathematics teachers prepared to teach Statistics and Probability?. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 13, n. 2, p. 1-17, 18 Jul. 2023.