A discussion about the nature of the concept of infinity





Potential Infinity, Actual Infinity, Infinite Sets, Cardinality, History of Infinity


This article is the result of a theoretical investigation about the nature of the concept of infinity in Mathematics, in which we present elements of the epistemology of this concept in order to identify and describe changes in its meaning throughout history. In this way, we present a historical overview, more specifically, the constitution and differentiation of the concepts of potential infinity and actual infinity in three historical periods, the first situated in ancient Greek thought, the second through the conceptualization given by Bernard Bolzano in his work Paradoxes of Infinity (1851), and the third the formalization of the concept of actual infinity in the theory presented by Cantor. As results of this essay, we have the understanding that it was necessary to create new conceptual objects (sets) for there to be a conceptual change of infinity, and also, the creation of a way to compare infinite sets, through the concept of cardinality.


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How to Cite

LORIN, J. H.; BATISTA, I. DE L. A discussion about the nature of the concept of infinity. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 13, n. 2, p. 1-17, 18 May 2023.