Economics and Mathematics Education in PPCs: demands and position in the labor market




Mathematics Education, Labor Market, Economy, Curriculum


The article approaches some relations between Economics and Mathematics Education, according to the perspective of cultural policy. The objective is to critically analyze the PPC (Pedagogical Projects of Courses) of two Undergraduate courses in Mathematics, with regard to Economics and Mathematics Education, questioning how the PPCs of bachelor's degree in Mathematics manifest the relations between Economics and Mathematics Education, when addressing the labor market. A qualitative investigation was performed, and the article was organized into meaning groups: "demands of the labor market" and "position in the labor market". The analyses show: the concern to describe the characteristics of the labor market and the profile of graduates, considering some skills and competencies; the need to evaluate and update the PPCs. The results suggest the need to have a deeper critical analysis of the curricula and PPCs, considering the relations between Economics and Mathematics Education, from a political perspective.


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How to Cite

HOFFMEISTER, G.; POZZOBON, M. C.; GIONGO, I. M. Economics and Mathematics Education in PPCs: demands and position in the labor market. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 13, n. 2, p. 1-14, 14 Sep. 2023.