Potentialities of the dialogue between the Mancala Awelé game and the teaching of Mathematics in Elementary Education: experience with a class of the 5th year





Mancala Game, Mathematics Teaching, Ethnomatematic, Antonio Duarte de Almeida School


This article aims to use the game of African origin called Mancala Awelé, aiming at the dialogue with mathematical knowledge in a 5th grade class at the Municipal School of Elementary Education (EMEF) Antônio Duarte de Almeida/SP, for the promotion of interdisciplinary learning, based on the otherness and respect for differences. In addition, it is intended to mobilize mathematical skills necessary for the training of male and female students. For this, we use the qualitative paradigm. One of the authors, as a professor at the institution, was part of the environment of the studied students, observing the interaction, development and strategies through the way they made decisions and the look they deposited in the game, changing the points of view regarding the culture. During the interaction, it was possible to contemplate the main mathematical skills of each student participating in the game.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, E. C. .; CASSELA, E. A. D.; FRANÇA, M. DA C. DOS S. . Potentialities of the dialogue between the Mancala Awelé game and the teaching of Mathematics in Elementary Education: experience with a class of the 5th year. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 4, p. 1-13, 20 Nov. 2022.