Mathematical investigation in Plato’s Meno: possible interfaces among Philosophy, Mathematics and Language in studies on the Pythagorean Theorem




Mathematical Investigations, Pythagorean Theorem, Plato, Meno


By reading and adapting the famous passage from Plato's Meno dialogue, in which Socrates talks to a slave about some geometric properties, in the context of Basic Education, three activities are presented, according to the context of each school year, in which the benefits of inserting historical and philosophical themes are evaluated in math classes that idealize an investigative pedagogical approach. Among lamentations about schooling current conditions and the possibility of finding joy or exultation in practical activities in classroom daily life, the relevance of cultivating a genuine mathematical experience in teaching-learning processes is undeniable, especially when providing significant cognitive characteristics in articulating objects, operations and means of formalizing mathematics in several human modes of expression.


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How to Cite

ASSIS, J. F. DE. Mathematical investigation in Plato’s Meno: possible interfaces among Philosophy, Mathematics and Language in studies on the Pythagorean Theorem. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 4, p. 1-14, 1 Sep. 2022.