Training possibilities with SBEM online courses: Inclusive Mathematical Practices and Geometry - Initial Years




Teacher training, SBEM, Teaching Mathematics, GeoGebra, Initial Years


The objective of this text is to describe and analyze the path taken by three research teachers from the state of Acre - Northern Region of Brazil, members of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education - SBEM, from training received in times of the COVID-19 Pandemic, through of the Action Plans of the Courses submitted and approved through the SBEM-DNE Notice 01/2020. In this way, we present the Courses: 1 - Inclusive Mathematical Practices in the Early Years: reflections generated in Special Education and 2 - Geometry: teaching and visualizing with the GeoGebra App for the Early Years, both offered in the year 2021, with synchronous activities on Saturdays and asynchronous during the weeks of the courses (1 - in the Virtual Learning Environment - AVA Moodle - UFRJ and 2 - Google Classroom). As a result, we point out the importance of SBEM with the training offered to members and highlight the greatness of these trainings for needy regions of Brazil. Therefore, it was possible to participate in the training and reflect with professors and researchers from research groups from different states, emerging themes present in the Schools and, even in a Higher Education Institution, to put into action a training of mathematics teachers that discusses the needs of our future and present teacher.


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How to Cite

BANDEIRA, S. M. C.; LIMA, E. A. DE .; CASTRO, A. A. DE L. Training possibilities with SBEM online courses: Inclusive Mathematical Practices and Geometry - Initial Years. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 3, p. 125-149, 1 May 2022.