Electronic didactic sequence in the consolidation of arithmetic thinking in the curriculum of the 6th year of Elementary School





Mathematics Education, Final Years of Elementary School, Arithmetic Thinking, Electronic Didactic Sequence, Problem Solving


This work is an excerpt from a master's research, in which the contributions of an Electronic Didactic Sequence were investigated in the consolidation of the concepts that form Arithmetic Thinking with students from the 6th year of Elementary School. The objective is to present the Instructional Design (DI) of an Electronic Didactic Sequence, highlighting the importance of working with the Problem Solving methodology in the search for strategies that contribute to the consolidation of concepts for students who still have difficulties in understanding such concepts. The Sequences were implemented at SIENA, which is an Intelligent Teaching System, which provides students with the opportunity to perform adaptive tests and individualized recovery from difficulties, through the study of Electronic Didactic Sequences. The study is characterized by a qualitative methodology based on the case study. The results showed that the students participating in the experiment and who carried out studies of the Electronic Didactic Sequence combined with the Problem-Solving methodology obtained better individual performance, enabling the development of study autonomy, sharpening curiosity and persistence in the resolution of activities, allowing for revisiting and study the concepts at your own pace of studies.


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How to Cite

CARLESSO, R.; GROENWALD, C. L. O. Electronic didactic sequence in the consolidation of arithmetic thinking in the curriculum of the 6th year of Elementary School. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 1, p. 49-71, 1 Jan. 2022.