Higher Education Mathematics curriculum: an experiment with the inverted classroom methodology





Mathematics Education, Syllabus, University Education, Active Methodologies, Differential Equations


Active methodologies, such as Hybrid Teaching and Inverted Classroom, can help in the teaching and learning of students, as they are alternatives that can be used to attract students' interest in the study of mathematical content, as they contemplate technological and social interactions. In this context, this study reports on the application of the Inverted Classroom model in Higher Education in a class of Differential Equations. The aim of this study is to present a didactic activity involving the content of differential equations solved through separable variables, based on an application of the Inverted Classroom in Higher Education. The methodology used was qualitative research, which sought to carry out a didactic planning using the Inverted Classroom as a teaching methodology and its application. Works with this scope aim to present, to teachers, instruments that can be used in classes, and that will serve as a basis for the construction of other plans, using active methodologies, more specifically the Inverted Classroom, supported by technological tools . Based on the analysis of the results of this insertion of the Inverted Classroom, it was possible to observe that the students initially do not come to the Classroom prepared, as they had not yet organized themselves to watch the Pre-class videos and thus would not be able to respond in a manner transparent diagnostic assessment. It also showed that at the time of the dynamics held in the Class, there was time for interaction between students and the teacher, since the concepts had already been explained at the time of the Pre-class and highlighted the importance of planning in case students do not understand the explanations presented in the video classes.


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How to Cite

WEBER, E. L.; OLGIN, C. DE A. . Higher Education Mathematics curriculum: an experiment with the inverted classroom methodology. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 1, p. 257-272, 1 Jan. 2022.