Agency and its displacement in the use of Mathematics curriculum materials




Mathematics Curriculum, Curriculum Materials, Teacher-Curriculum Materials Relationship, Agency


The relationship between curriculum materials and teachers who teach Mathematics has been an object of study in the United States since the early 1990s; in Brazil, more recently, this theme has been constituted as a field of investigation in the field of Mathematics Education. In the context of Brazilian discussions, this study aims to understand the shift of agency in the use of curriculum materials by teachers who teach Mathematics. Based on the ideas about professional teacher knowledge that is at the heart of the discussions about the relationship presented here, as well as the concepts of agency and agency displacement that occur in the teacher's planning and action process, we resorted to a semi-structured interview with four teachers who teach Math. Subsidized by the methodological lens of the Meaning Nucleus, we identified as a result of the apprehension of senses and meanings that teachers sometimes assume themselves as agency, sometimes delegate agency to the textbook. In some situations, students are also recognized as agency, and there are even times when teachers give decision-making power or agency to both the materials and themselves, almost simultaneously. Discussions show that shifting agency requires more understanding of the role of teachers and materials in curriculum development, as well as the mobilization of knowledge about Mathematics, its teaching and curriculum.


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How to Cite

SOARES, M. C. R. A.; JANUARIO, G.; LIMA, K. Agency and its displacement in the use of Mathematics curriculum materials. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 1, p. 72-86, 1 Jan. 2022.